Disclaimer: In that particular example the techniques shown are used used pretty sloppily. That said those are still valid and powerful techniques. So I needed a logo for my humble website. And yes, I'm not the best logo designer, I'm just an architect, but since there was no budget at all I decided that I'm going to complete that heavy task. So we have Photoshop and Illustrator, and I really enjoy retouching pictures and making collages for fun, but dealing with vector graphics in those is out of my comfort zone. On the other hand I have a lot of experience in another type of vector graphics i.e. architectural drawings. So I started the logo design with filled regions in Revit. I had a nice idea though - to create a monogram of my name (big ego, I know) and Revit. So to be completely honest I started on paper.

So this was it basically, at least in regards of design. But then I thought it would be nice to show in some way what does the logo mean exactly, that it contains the "V"as in Viktor, the "K" as in Kuzev the "R" was pretty obvious though and the "D" as in Dynamo.
I have friends, making those kinds of animated logos for companies in After Effects and I was roughly familiar with the techniques used there - masks, revealing or hiding an object. So why not transfer these same techniques in Revit? It was easy to transform the the filled regions into solid geometry. But then I wanted to morph a regular V into the slanted V of the logo like this:

And I personally find this technique really interesting. Here is how it's done:
Let's say we want to transform one shape into another:

So first step is to draw the morphing paths between the shapes:

Then we host points on those paths and we connect them all to the same parameter:

Here I'm using the normalized curve parameter, measuring from the beginning. In that case I drew all the path lines from the left shape to the right. That way when the points are on position 0 of the curve they're going to form the left shape and when they're on 1 they're going to form the right shape:

Then I connect them with lines, those lines can define a surface and the surface - a solid.
Here the morph paths are just straight lines, but if we want to be fancy they could be curved. More practical purpose for that thechnique would probably be creating some weird roof surfaces when the out of the box "create form" loft does not provide the result we need. Here we're changing these parameters in time, but they could vary in position as well:

These are some random shaped curves in different planes, connected with spline paths. Then I loaded an adaptive component and repeated it. It is the same as the morphing between two shapes I showed above, but here it's morphing between more shapes and we see the different results in space, not in time:

The rest of the logo is the After Effects approach converted in Revit terms. I am controlling the position of voids which coresponds to the masks in AE. I had to export the 3d text from Revit as .SAT file and import them back, because the 3d text couldn't be cut by voids.

So after nesting some families and connecting their parameters to the host family I end up with an extremely messy cluster of parameters for visibility and position of the voids:

And you can see the video here:
And you can get the family v2017 here.
If you have any questions about this, write them in the comments. Thanks for your time :)